The 5.300 meter high volcano Nevado del Ruiz is dominating Los Nevados. Was the third most visited en 2009 with 50.045 visitors, The most visited was the Rosario Coral National Natural Park.
In addicion to Nevado del Ruiz, seven other volcanoes in the area, Nevado del Tolima, NEVADO DEL QUINDIO, Paramo Santa Rosa, Cerro Bravo, Cerro Machín and Nevado El Cisne.
The area es homt to 1250 species of cacular plants, 200 bryophytes, 300 lichens and 180 macroscopic
On teh lower slopes and in the valleys teh Andean wax palms are dominant. The upperAndean forest has trees reaching up to 30 metres (98 ft) in height.
Noteworthy birds includes Blue-Crowned Motmot, Yellow-Eared Parrot, Fuertes´s Parrot, Rufous-fronted Parakeet, Andean Condor, Brown-banded Antpitta and Ruddy Duck. The Bearded Helmetcrest hummingbirds is endemic to the region. Noteworthy mammalsa include Mountain Tapir, Spectacled Bear, Northern Padu, Oncilla and Cougar, White-eared Opossum.
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